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Make a payment by credit card here using Visa or Mastercard. You can pay for more than one item at once. Choose the 'Add more payments' option before you proceed to checkout.
Rates and water paymentsSelect to pay rates and water charges
Parking offencesSelect item to pay for parking offences (e.g. expired meter, exceeding time limits, etc.).
Animal offencesSelect item to pay for animal offences (e.g. unregistered, wandering animals, etc.).
Development offencesSelect item to pay for development offences (e.g. pool fencing, plumbing, building work, etc.).
Environmental and other offencesSelect item to pay for environmental and other offences (e.g. food standards, litter, pollution, local laws, etc.).
Biosecurity offencesSelect item to pay for biosecurity-related offences (e.g. failure to comply with biosecurity order, etc.).
Dog registration renewalSelect to pay for renewal of dog registration.
Licence renewalSelect item to renew licence fees eg. food licence, personal appearance licence
Facility booking feesSelect item to pay for facility booking fees
Invoice paymentsSelect item to pay for invoices from a debtors account
Development applicationSelect item to pay for your development application fees